Barack Obama will never have to face the terrorists that he is now releasing from Guantanamo prison. He will never meet them on the street in New York when they seek more innocents to murder, because he will be surrounded for the rest of his life by secret service personnel committed to his safety. He will never meet them on the battle field as our field soldiers inevitably will.
He is most gracious to those violent and unrepentant killers in Guantanamo and even in our own prisons. The Defense Department announced yesterday that 10 Yemeni detainees have been set free from the Guantanamo Bay camp, with all of them sent to Oman where they will assuredly return to join with their Al-Qaida or ISIS fellows in order to spread their virulent brand of Islamic terror throughout the world. Obama intends to release at least three more detainees by February 1st.
Administration seeking to close Gitmo, page 2
Obama you son of a b****
+not when he’s locked up for treason
So how is this not Treasonous?
What a bum why is he bystill in office is everybody corrupt in our capitol
I see democrats are also playing thier game to push Cruz out with this birth agenda… it appeared in the Washington post and then they went to Trump to ask him over n over about it… I wish Trump would not play into it and tell them… dont ask me ask Cruz !!!!! it’s the democrats being dirty as usual.
by the
Wake up sheeple he’s one of them!!
As long as Obama is in office. He is muslim and thinks as a muslim!! He could care less about us!!!. He wants a Muslim takeover. That’s his plan!!. And no one sees this. He wants a WW3 where we will have a Muslim takeover?? Why can’t anyone see this??????
why hasnt someone shot this a hole yet?
Trump told him over a month ago about his birth certificate! It was trump trying to help Cruz get things straight!
Fuckin traitor!!!!!! How can we let this continue???? Liberal scum need to be eradicated!!!!!!