Barack Obama will never have to face the terrorists that he is now releasing from Guantanamo prison. He will never meet them on the street in New York when they seek more innocents to murder, because he will be surrounded for the rest of his life by secret service personnel committed to his safety. He will never meet them on the battle field as our field soldiers inevitably will.
He is most gracious to those violent and unrepentant killers in Guantanamo and even in our own prisons. The Defense Department announced yesterday that 10 Yemeni detainees have been set free from the Guantanamo Bay camp, with all of them sent to Oman where they will assuredly return to join with their Al-Qaida or ISIS fellows in order to spread their virulent brand of Islamic terror throughout the world. Obama intends to release at least three more detainees by February 1st.
Administration seeking to close Gitmo, page 2
I’ll be glad when he’s gone!
We, American people, somehow fail to see Washington in reality- as a foreign invader setting up to takeover our nation- The Muslim Brotherhood has been here before 1930.
Doesn’t anyone see why so many college professors are taking down our kids? Don’t we see our public schools stripped of history, and Islamic ‘history’ being added? Haven’t we seen Jesus Christ, who was once the core reason for our schools, taken out for fear of offending someone? Don’t we see that the main ones offended by Jesus Christ are Muslims! And the paper trail to where this money has been coming from for this change in school literature etc, eliminating our history and putting in place Islamic rhetoric, along with the building and buying of our churches to be mosques? Large donations from what countries? Along with those muslims born here that have negative intentions for this country and its people, the United States of America and American’s, if they are of so-called peace, and respect this great country, then why would they secretly plot to kill us and bring into this free country a law that IS NOT free but discriminates against its people and woman and children? Where did they learn this hatred, research and the answers are there from people that tell about what IS going on in these so-called peaceful mosque! So get real people cuz this IS real, not a joke, or pretend. This IS serious and a threat to our way of life and our freedoms! Their god hates all that are non believers, unlike our God that IS of peace and what this nation was founded on.
Why are so many Americans that claim to love this country and its freedoms so blind to their intentions? Every Muslim is duty bound to do their part to bring Sharia to the nation they live in and this fact IS factual, not pretend or some left wing rhetoric. If people, the American people, will stop their own selfish agenda’s and pay attention to WHAT’S really going on throughout our Country, schools, towns, capital, etc before its to late and hits home everywhere, yet use the excuse and say- oh when did this happen- only then becuz it hit home and that excuse of- its there- that state, not mine, or my town, neighborhood- will u people finally wake up- but then it may be to late cuz this change will have deeper roots. So stop u’r blind agenda and excuses America, cuz we all have technology and its right there for those of us that care about our country, our neighbors, and world. Yet the scary part is also what they ARE NOT telling us also cuz it IS much bigger than we know.
Reality check- grow up and pay attention and do u’r part in rallying against this cuz this IS real and u have no one to blame but u’rself, period. This IS NOT about racism or any of that c**p- it IS about saving our Country, our culture, our freedoms, our history, our land, our constitution, flag, and so on, with pride, honor, loyalty to what our own ancestors built, sweat, and died for to make a better future for their generations. So why are Americans throwing it all away, ask u’rself? Sharia IS racism in its highest form against woman and children, and its own muslims people, though not all, hate everything America and the American people stand for, so ask u’rself this- if they are so offended then why are they here? What IS their reason and the bigger picture/plan/agenda within all the changes in our schools and laws and their PC rhetoric excuses and law suits?
This IS America, our land, our Country and at NO time should we be changing who we are becuz we allowed others to come here and live among us. That DOES NOT make for a nation in unity or “one” people, and that in itself IS NOT good or right for this Country or any country or its people! THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS FOR ALL OF AMERICA AND US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!
Christopher G. Dorner but no one is stopping him.
I don’t know how you live with yourself.I pray some one takes you down a peg or two.
Well the citizens may not be the only ones that these people go after. I wander if Obama ever thought about that side of the coin. He is part of America Comander and chief what a trophy his head would make. I wander if he has thought of it in those terms.
And considering how close so many people have got to him since he took office I am not real sure that the people guarding him could handle these guys.
“They” say we won’t get out and vote for TRUMP – – – let’s show them just how wrong they are AGAIN! I HAVE HEARD THAT IN SOME STATES THIS IS A BIT TRICKY – – GET WRITTEN CONFIRMATION OF YOUR CHANGE. ONE LADY SAID SHE HAD TO GO BACK THE SECOND TIME TO GET THE CHANGE MADE. IT IS WORTH THE TROUBLE FOLKS – – VOTE TRUMP. Check this site to make sure of the rules for your state. Some states require you to be a registered Republican in order to vote for a Republican candidate in the primary and the general election. Check and make necessary changes to be able to vote for TRUMP so he can Make America Great Again. He is the only one who is willing to do what has to be done to keep this country safe and secure – – if we are DEAD from Islamic terrorists attacks, no other issues matter!!…
He knows that the majority of American’s are against this so he rubs it in our face. Can’t wait until he is gone.
obama when your out of office you better have a$#%&!@*load of protection for the rest of your life !