The tactics of the IRS under President Obama reflect the Chicago-style politics of his past, so it is no surprise that Mohammad Weiss Rasool, an Al-Qaida Spy fits right in at the organization. While the agency is ambitious when it comes to targeting conservative groups and government critics for investigation, vetting its own employees is another matter.
The investigation of Tea Party patriots leading up to the last presidential election required extra resources, so the Internal Revenue Service simply dispensed with background checks to speed things up and ended up hiring a convicted Islamist traitor to fill a high-level position.
Mohammad Weiss Rasool, whom the FBI busted last decade for tipping off an al-Qaida terrorist suspect, reportedly now works for the deputy IRS chief financial officer as a financial management analyst, drawing a lucrative salary at taxpayer expense.According to investigative reporter Patrick Poole, who broke the explosive story in PJ Media, the Obama administration has let a Muslim man convicted of abusing sensitive government data have access to the sensitive financial data of millions of Americans at an agency known for abusing such information.
Astonishingly, the dangerous felon is still at the IRS, where he goes by the name “Weiss Russell.”
Last decade, Rasool immigrated to the U.S. from Afghanistan and took a job as a cop with the Fairfax County Police Department outside Washington. He worked his way up to sergeant before authorities realized they had an al-Qaida spy in their ranks.
According to a Justice Department complaint filed in 2008, Rasool searched a national criminal database containing names of terrorist suspects and confirmed that FBI agents were tailing a Muslim pal from his mosque.
When agents went to arrest the target early one morning, they found him and his family already dressed and destroying evidence. They knew they had a mole, and worked back through the system to find Rasool.
That’s when agents discovered the police sergeant had breached their database at least 15 times to look up names of other contacts, including relatives, to see if they showed up on the terrorist watch list.
Rasool’s actions “damaged the integrity of the NCIC system and jeopardized at least one federal investigation,” prosecutors said in court papers. “The defendant’s actions could have placed federal agents in danger.”
Rasool at first claimed he didn’t know the terrorist target. He confessed only after hearing a recording of his message for the suspect, Abdullah Alnoshan, a close associate of al-Qaida cleric Anwar Awlaki, who had helped some of the 9/11 hijackers in Fairfax County, Va.
Rasool finally pleaded guilty to illegally searching a federal database.
Someone who betrays his police oath and aids and abets a terrorist “has absolutely no business with any position of trust and responsibility with the government,” Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell said, warning that Rasool could do “enormous damage” in his new IRS post.
Source: Investors Business Daily
DIVERSION of the public eye is something puppet master George Soros is a professional at working upon the American citizens!!! OBAMA CARE HAS ACHIEVED SUCCESS, in that it has allowed the Soros owned USA government to completely Stymie all beneficial Congressional & Presidential actions to help citizens of the USA, replacing citizen needed legislation with: 1) endless illegal alien debate; 2) endless gun control debate; 3) endless foreign wars involvement that includes needless debates in Congress taking away from the families of thousands of deceased USA Military & thousands of disabled USA Military who have to fight endlessly for their pay & pensions; 4) an endless string of Puppet Obama care fiasco debates; and on & on go the public eye diversions! While in the meantime, puppet Obama has: 1) flooded our Federal & State agencies with THOUSANDS of Muslim activists; 2). Appointed over 250 judges; 3). Given USA continental refuge to over 15-> MILLION muslim supposed refugees (with majority of these 15,000,000 being located in Tennessee???; 4) And the diversions set up by puppet Obama go on & on, keeping the public eye diverted, while puppet master continues to weave his intricate web of destruction upon our once proud USA!!! Obama care was never about giving health insurance to the poor. The primary goal of Obama Care was always about creating chaos and possible citizen action against the goverment. If any part of the USA citizens attempt any outright movement against Obama, this will open the door for the PRESIDENT to ask the United Nations to intervene and disarm our citizens.
OBAMA CARE has caused enough disruption and chaos within the U.S.A., that Obama’s Puppetmaster George Soros must be very pleased with the 10/19/13 Secretary of State John Kerry’s signing the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty on behalf of the Obama administration. This treaty will give the United Nations Peace Keeping Force the power to work outside of our own Constitution and DISARM AMERICA!!!!
If the 10/19/13 Kerry signed U.N. Arms Trade Treaty is passed in Congress (as of 3/11/14 Congress has not put this UN Treaty up for passage), then the United Nations can send in a peace keeping force to confiscate all of the guns in the USA without any protection from the 2nd Ammendment -> this treaty with the UN remains a dictatorial mandate by puppet Obama!!! The United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms from infringement. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the United States Bill of Rights.
2004 EXCERPT from Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine Interview with The Shadow Party-is co-author Richard Poe: We must expect, however, that the left has learned a few lessons since 2000. It seems doubtful that they will stake their revolution on a decision of John Roberts’ Supreme Court. More likely, they will press for international arbitration this time, possibly under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. This group actually monitored our elections in 2004. Its relations with Soros – and with the Democratic Party – are extremely cordial, to say the least.
Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s managing editor.
Sebelius being held accountable? Sebelius is just one of those distractions that Soros has set in motion! Hardly!!! She never learned accountability!!! But she did learn how to disrespect!!! Disrespects the people of the U.S.A. with every showing. Sebelius also belongs to Soros, so she has nothing to fear.
Obama has never feared true disclosure of his birthplace. With George Soros Obama’s Puppetmaster, Obama has nothing to fear!!!
Have we gone about our merry ways in this wonderful FREE U.S.A doing as we wished, never thinking of losing our freedoms, while we ignored our U.S.A. government too long, allowing them to become LORDS over us peons??? Obama is working to change the law so he can remain President a third term. Will that make him the new KING of America??? What a horrible thought!!!
this means a terrist group has all our tax information we need to get rid of irs
So Sad:(
I’m still waiting for the first shot of the 2nd civil war!
obama is a spy, a plant in our government.
Yhe is a spawn of the devil.Evil,and but no one impeaches him or arrests him.WHY?Because he
Message got messed up. Yes he is evil and wicked a spawn of the devil.
This is what I want to happen……….
What else would you expect from a radical Muslim?
The U.S. government is INTENTIONALLY riddled with enemy agents.