The tactics of the IRS under President Obama reflect the Chicago-style politics of his past, so it is no surprise that Mohammad Weiss Rasool, an Al-Qaida Spy fits right in at the organization. While the agency is ambitious when it comes to targeting conservative groups and government critics for investigation, vetting its own employees is another matter.
The investigation of Tea Party patriots leading up to the last presidential election required extra resources, so the Internal Revenue Service simply dispensed with background checks to speed things up and ended up hiring a convicted Islamist traitor to fill a high-level position.
Mohammad Weiss Rasool, whom the FBI busted last decade for tipping off an al-Qaida terrorist suspect, reportedly now works for the deputy IRS chief financial officer as a financial management analyst, drawing a lucrative salary at taxpayer expense.According to investigative reporter Patrick Poole, who broke the explosive story in PJ Media, the Obama administration has let a Muslim man convicted of abusing sensitive government data have access to the sensitive financial data of millions of Americans at an agency known for abusing such information.
Astonishingly, the dangerous felon is still at the IRS, where he goes by the name “Weiss Russell.”
Last decade, Rasool immigrated to the U.S. from Afghanistan and took a job as a cop with the Fairfax County Police Department outside Washington. He worked his way up to sergeant before authorities realized they had an al-Qaida spy in their ranks.
According to a Justice Department complaint filed in 2008, Rasool searched a national criminal database containing names of terrorist suspects and confirmed that FBI agents were tailing a Muslim pal from his mosque.
When agents went to arrest the target early one morning, they found him and his family already dressed and destroying evidence. They knew they had a mole, and worked back through the system to find Rasool.
That’s when agents discovered the police sergeant had breached their database at least 15 times to look up names of other contacts, including relatives, to see if they showed up on the terrorist watch list.
Rasool’s actions “damaged the integrity of the NCIC system and jeopardized at least one federal investigation,” prosecutors said in court papers. “The defendant’s actions could have placed federal agents in danger.”
Rasool at first claimed he didn’t know the terrorist target. He confessed only after hearing a recording of his message for the suspect, Abdullah Alnoshan, a close associate of al-Qaida cleric Anwar Awlaki, who had helped some of the 9/11 hijackers in Fairfax County, Va.
Rasool finally pleaded guilty to illegally searching a federal database.
Someone who betrays his police oath and aids and abets a terrorist “has absolutely no business with any position of trust and responsibility with the government,” Judicial Watch’s Chris Farrell said, warning that Rasool could do “enormous damage” in his new IRS post.
Source: Investors Business Daily
More of the insanity of the coming fascist state.
Obama a thugs and criminals supporter.
we have a forgiving govt
We have a lawless govt!
Practically every thing our Senate, House, Judicial System, and Obama have done since 2008 is wrong and evil and hurts each citizen of the United States.
Obama and Biden should be charges with War Crimes for the stupid War on Terror and for their interference in Syria. They should all be fired, today.
Our War on Terror and Obamacare are both wrong and stupid.
Our President loves Muslims and Terrorists. In Muslim nations women and children have no Human Rights or Freedoms. Why did we give money and weapons to Iran and Egypt. Why are we supporting, financing and training Terrorists. Why are we still committing War Crimes in Africa and the Middle East and wasting trillions of dollars to give the Terrorists the Media coverage, death and destruction they want? Is every one in our Senate and House an idiot?
It is not that we want isolationism, we want the parasites like Mitch McConnel, Nancy Pelosi, Boehner, Holder, Obama, Biden, Kerry, and the guys of our Admininstration, our current Senate, and our current House who want to change our Constitution to take away our basic Human Rights and Freedoms we should have from Birth because we are Free that are only documented in our Bill of Rights and given to us by our Creator because we are free men and women and not given to us by our rich, fat cat, useless paper pushers in Washington, DC. Obama and Biden love Gun Control and War more than Adolf Hitler ever did.
If those same parasites want to rewrite our Constitution they should feel free to rewrite any ammendments beginning at ammenent 11 as long as they do not attempt to take any of our Human Rights and Freedoms documented in the First 10 Amemdments to our Constitution.
The heads of every Federal Agency in the Untied States should be fired. Our EPA, IRS, and NSA are horribly corrupt and every one knows it.
The IRS should be completely shut down after working with Obama and Eric Holder, since 2008 the IRS has not been known for anything but corruption.
The NSA and CIA are for investigating. That should be their only function. The EPA is getting to be every bit as horrible and corrupt. The EPA enacted regulations that almost Ban Wood Stoves. Citizens in the United States are going to did because of the EPA’s new regulations. The EPA, like the IRS, NSA, and CIA sould only investigate. They have too much power. After working with Obama and Eric Holder the IRS is too corrupt to function. Any information they receive should be turned over to the intelligence agencies of the military branches or Interpol. The NSA and CIA should be stripped of any other power. They have proved they can not respect sovereign borders, law, or human life.
Obama’s new and improved and unconstitutional Patriot Act, the NDAA, and the Cyber Security Bill should be repealed and burned.
Obama’s new and improved and unconstitutional Patriot Act, the NDAA, Obamacare, and the Cyber Security Bill were written to give the NSA and the other agencies inside the United States the same horrible power the NSA, CIA, and other agencies of the Untied States abuse all over the world with no respect for Human Rights, Civil Rights, law, sovereign borders, or human life. If the NDAA was written to protect the Citizens of the United States they would have used it against the Boston Bomber, the other Terrorists we have had since 911, and against the Terrorists playing the Knock Out Game, whether they are black, white, or of another race. Lock them away for fifteen years using the NDAA, then review each case individually, using the NDAA as a guideline. Our Senators, our Representatives, and Obama wanted the NDAA, use it to protect Americans from Terrorists.
Elections are coming for our current Senators and Representatives. They do not understand we have the Human Rights and Freedoms documented in the Bill of Rights because we are Free Men and Women. They are documented there so the rich good for nothing parasites in Washington, DC do not forget we have them. They have forgotten anyway. They only listen to the Lobbyists they accept huge amounts of money and favors from. Vote all the bums out. If they are in office today they should be fired. They have not done their jobs or kept their Oath of Office. They are as guilty as Obama for our War Crimes and murders of civilians in Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, and Somalia. They are also just as guilty as Obama and Biden for the deaths and destruction caused in Syria for our illegally interfering in the Civil War in Syria and for aiding the Al Qaeda and other Terrorists who have been involved in the Civil War in Syria.. We do not even have diplomatic relations with Syria. How can it be any of our business what is going on there?
We should not be supporting, supplying, and training the Al Qaeda. What makes Obama’s Terrorist any different than any other Terrorist?
Vote all the rich good for nothing parasites of our Senate and House out, they have not kept their Oath of Office and they have not fired Obama and Eric Holder. Our Fire Fighters, Police, and our Military can keep their Oath of Office, why do our elected and appointed officials in Washington, DC refuse to keep their Oath of Office?
Vote them out, they have not fired Obama and Holder. They believed the lies of Susan Rice, Barrack Obama, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and our Media.
No Incumbents.
Fire Obama.
Go figure!!
If thine right eye offend thee, pluck it out…’nufff said!
What a corrupt government we have now !!