As President Obama secured his last needed vote to block any veto override in the pesky Senate on his great nuclear bomb deal, his pals in Iran unleashed a double-pronged attack: vowing to block inspector access to important development sites, and threatening to continue preparations to destroy Israel.
But not to worry, Obama says their leadership is really peace loving folk. Read more peace plans on the next page.
John McCain and Lindsay Graham are for the deal
Intention from the evil one who hates America.
You are laughing now but that will not last forever. Your day is coming
34 Traitors
His administration has been a fiasco from day one.
Here’s your 34 Traitors of America and you:
Ovomit is a coward, his PC has gone too far
Ovomit and his cronies that voted for this should be totally ashamed…TRAITORS ALL
Not to fear, they’re peace loving folk.ha ha ha.