Why do immigration officials routinely release those caught residing illegally in the United States? It’s largely due to a little known 2012 DHS directive that has totally changed the enforcement of immigration laws, in effect shielding most illegal immigrants if they haven’t committed other crimes besides violating the nation’s border security.
A DHS directive from December 21, 2012, decreed that ICE agents could act against illegal immigrants only in limited circumstances — mainly if an illegal immigrant was previously charged with a serious crime or was physically caught crossing the border. The effect, according to Sessions’s office, has been that many habitual immigration violators and the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the United States face no threat of deportation. “The Administration’s priorities,” Session’s writes, “have therefore provided an executive amnesty not only to the great majority of the 12 million living her illegally today . . . but to those who will violate immigration law tomorrow. It is an open invitation for a future immigrant to overstay a visa, or enter the U.S. illegally, knowing that they will be immune from enforcement as long as they avoid being convicted of a felony or other serious crime once here.” In Texas, for example, ICE routinely releases immigrants who are not considered a threat to safety. In 2011, an ICE officer was reportedly told that he would face disciplinary action for attempting to issue a Notice to Appear to an illegal immigrant. “Instances like these are not the exception, but the rule,” Session writes. “DHS has decided that the Administration’s ‘priorities’ trump the immigration laws passed by Congress.” The results of this directive can be seen in an ICE report on 2013 removals, which details that 98 percent of the removals were of “convicted criminals, recent border crossers, illegal re-entrants or those previously removed by ICE, in line with agency’s enforcement priorities.” Is it a good idea to work to fast-track deportations of those who commit serious, violent crimes? Sure! But that should not mean ignoring the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants by not enforcing existing laws. If Obama wants to change the law of the land, there is a procedure for that and it’s not supposed to involve just the president, his pen, and his phone. Source: National Review Photo: Weasel ZippersData from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), reviewed by the office of Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), indicate that the “DHS has blocked the enforcement of immigration law for the overwhelming majority of violations — and is planning to widen that amnesty even further.”
Must be nice to pick and choose what laws you want to enforce.
George Soros supports violence in the Ukraine and Hillary Clinton.
Take off the rose colored glasses. Please share this with your friends. Susan Rice, Bill Clinton, Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder are nothing but dishonest.
Don’t forget the lies of our politicians and our Media. If you are going to remember Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and Obama for anything remember them for thinking that dead Americans are not important.
Are you ready for more destruction of your Human Rights and Freedoms, like we have with Obama ? Just like Obama, all Hillary Clinton has ever been known for is her lies.
No Incumbents.
Nothing new in our current Administration’s lies and coverups. If you are in Power you can do what you want. The Clinton Years proved that. Hillary Clinton is not as bad a liar as Obama, but if she gets to be president she can probably get better. She has less credibilty than our media and you know our Media, you see their lies and coverups every day.
A radical feminist with a background in Marxist dogma and Communist connections, Hillary Rodham Clinton is today wielding national power and may be on her way back to the White House — this time as President. Independent Counsel Robert Ray refused to indict her for perjury, even though he found that she had lied about her role in the firing of White House travel office employees.
The Scandals:
Gennifer Flowersgate
Vince Foster
I wonder where those Whitewater billing records came fromgate
Paula Jones Scandal
Federal Building campaign phone callgate
Lincoln bedroomgate
White House coffeegate
Donations from convicted drug and weapons dealersgate
Buddhist Templegate
Web Hubbell hush moneygate
Chinese Intelligence – Clinton was practically endorsed by red China Update!
Let’s blame Kenneth Starrgate
Zippergate/interngate – the Lewinsky affair itself
Perjury and jobs for Lewinskygate – the aftermath
Web Hubbell prison phone callgate
Selling Military Technology to the Chinese Commiesgate
Coverup for our Russian Comrades as Wellgate
Jaunita Broaddrick gate
Hillary Clinton should have been fired the day after Benghazi and Obama should have been impeached the same day. The lies of our politicians and our media do not change what the Terrorist did in Benghazi or how our elected and appointed officials covered it up.
Mrs. Clinton is also associated with the fiasco dubbed “Hillarycare,” the Clinton Administration Socialized medicine scheme that failed to pass Congress. The Democratic Socialist Party did not do their homework putting the monster plan together. But Mrs. Clinton, who has been greatly underestimated by her critics, has learned her lesson. The plan went down because she did not have big business on her side. In moving forward with her international Socialist agenda, and the transformation of the United Nations and its agencies into a global state, she has enlisted critical support from the U.S. business and religious communities. Although she spoke of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” against her husband’s administration, she has orchestrated a movement of her own that reaches well beyond national borders and into the inner sanctums of the U.N. This special report examines her largely behind-the-scenes work with the United Nations, Secretary-General Kofi Annan, his wife, and U.N.-associated non-governmental organizations.
Call it Hillarycare or call it Obamacare, it is still nationalized healthcare.
Obamacare sat on a wall,
Obamacare had a great fall;
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Obama together again.
Mrs. Clinton has already left her mark on the federal government and its policies, which also affect the private sector. As First Lady, Hillary was involved in creating the President’s Interagency Council for Women, described by her as an effort “to ensure that every single government agency works to fulfill the promises that we made in Beijing” at the U.N.’s Fourth World Conference on Women.
The council was “charged with coordinating the implementation of the Platform of Action adopted at Beijing,” said a White House press release.
Rather than submit the “Platform of Action” to the Senate in the form of a treaty for ratification, the White House moved to implement it unilaterally. The Council was comprised of representatives of 30 different federal agencies and offices, as well as the World Bank. Like Hillary’s Socialized medicine task force, they worked largely in secret to radicalize the government and its policies, even as they affected private business.
And you think Obama likes bypassing the Senate and House ? No wonder all of our Federal Agencies are so corrupt, they can do as they want with out any one paying any attention.
Hillary Clinton is a monster.
The trouble with Hillary Clinton’s beliefs in giving the government power over every segment of your life is, as powerful as government has become, how can you trust the powers that are in charge to look out for your interest and not their own ?
How can you trust them not to just care about getting rich and forget the guys and girls that put them there ?
You know, like every one of our Senators, Representatives, the heads of our Federal Agencies, the guys and girls in our Judicial Branch, everyone in Obama’s Administratin, Biden, and Obama are doing today.
No Incumbents.
Hillary Clinton fit in the Obama Administration for the same reason Biden, Kerry, Holder, and every one of Obama’s Appointees fit in, they are totally dishonest, hate our Constitution, and have no respect for Human Rights, Freedom, or human life, like Barrack Obama. No Incumbents. They have not fired Obama.
Hillary Clinton should not serve in our Government in any capacity elected or appointed. If she wasn’t such a liar and so criminal, no one would bash her. She can not be trusted. Liberalism is a brain disorder. Americans died and Obama and Hillary lied. Then Hillary said, ” Who cares… ” Americans care about Dead Americans, witch.
Deport them and Obama, please.
Must Deport obama back to his brotherhoodland !!!!!!!!!!