What makes someone a terrorist? Should people who express dissenting opinions, who act in a ‘confrontational’ manner automatically ‘domestic terrorists’? The White House seems to think so.
Lisa Monaco stated as much on PBS News Hour. She’s Assistant to the President for Homeland Security. She indicated one of the warning signs of ‘domestic terrorism’ that Americans could be missing is kids who become more confrontational. Does that sound right? Almost all teens go through a confrontational phase, so does that mean we should brand them or anyone else who appears ‘confrontational’ a terrorist? Sounds crazy, right?
Harry Reid seems to consider the peaceful protesters at the Bundy Ranch to be domestic terrorists just because they resist the Bureau of Land Management’s heavy-handed bullying and their illegal vandalism and treatment of livestock stolen from Bundy.
Senator Reid and other Democrats believe they can coerce and intimidate Americans, threatening violence and then claim anyone who doesn’t support their skewed view of the world, anyone who stands up and dares to argue is a ‘domestic terrorist’.
Go over there and you see a true onr
I wonder if she’s ever had a ‘confrontation’? Maybe sh’e been under one of those rocks like the rest of the snakes!
If that’s the case, shouldn’t we use this same standard to proclaim groups like CAIR are terrorist, they constantly assault our constitution, American traditions etc. How about liberals that assault conservatives when they speak their mind? This definition would make virtually every liberal group a terrorist group. These people better re-think their thinking! Descent is the American way, we can speak our minds because of rights granted to us in the constitution no matter how much King Obama and his minions don’t like it!
Typical Obama administration. They can’t utter the term ‘terrorist’ when talking about Islamic extremist, but they apply it to Americans who oppose Obama..
she is a sic half wittwit
She wouldn’t know a terrorist is he shot her.
Bull$#%&!@*! Just because you don’t believe in the direction this idiot is taking us now we are terrorist? $#%&!@* YOU!
I think her IGNORANCE makes her a TERRORIST, I wouldn’t want her walking the streets. She should be LOCKED UP for her own Safety.
Terrorism is the use of extreme fear to manipulate others. The government and its henchmen you threat of force, death or imprisonment to make the people do things they don’t want to do or not to do things that don’t cause injury to anyone (i.e. paying taxes, redress grievances, vaccinations, etc.). So who is the terrorist again?
this woman and harry reid are idiots and besides that they are the domestic terroists for trying to destroy our constitution and all the people who back obama the muslim terroist are also terroists and traitors and they all should be impeached and fired and put in jail for treason to america and the true american people