Everyday, it seems Obama goes out of his way to prove what a colossal joke he has made out of the presidency.
After being informed by his staff that 6 American soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack in Afghanistan today, the president effectively shrugged at the horrific news and continued with a planned trip to a golf course.
Sounds like Obama couldn’t be bothered to have his trip to Hawaii ruined by something as inconsequential as American servicemen being killed by jihadists.
The attack was launched by a suicide bomber who struck US forces just outside an American military base. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the killing, which marks the largest loss of US soldiers in Afghanistan this year.
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I am sorry for our military, they deserve a CIC that CARES about them and the country! Bless the military, MERRY CHRISTMAS to them all.
Obama is a narcissist. It’s only about him. That’s why year after year he takes the secret service and whitehouse staff away from their families at Christmas so he can go to Hawaii. George W. Bush stayed in the whitehouse every Christmas so all could be with their families at Christmas.
But that would only matter to a Christian, I guess.
He thinks he’s an elite
6 soldiers died, really for heaven sake. When the truth comes out about Obama, you go back and blame Pres. Bush….he doesn’t take off for Christmas Vacation till after christmas, he spend time with military families and wear Santa Suits and make all the military kids “Happy” I know because you had a pictures with Obama…lol
That pictures of you two doesn’t mean anything…..the “6 Soldiers that died is more important” Our deepest sympathy to their families, thank you for protecting us and protect our country. They are 6 “HEROES” and all soldiers who died for our country.
What an a$$.
Congress (Loaded with moslims )SUCKS as BAD as obummer and changes in Congress NEED to be made. Like ALL of them GONE and REPLACED with people that Care about us and this country. White House (Loaded with moslims) obummer & his moslims & Refugees & ILLEGALS are our BIGGEST Threat ! Anyone that Doesn’t know obummer is a moslim , needs their own Special Jacket and needs to Sleep in a padded room ! obummer ISN’T concerned about protecting the American people , he ONLY cares about his moslims , Refugees and ILLEGALS. obummer is without a DOUBT WORSE then any President we have EVER had or EVER could have . obummers Legacy = obummer is the BIGGEST and WORST FAILURE this country has EVER had but that’s all you an expect when a bunch of IGNORANT / Brain Dead / MORONS put an ILLEGAL ALIEN / moslim TRAITOR in the White House…..SCREW his moslims and him and the ILLEGALS and his Refugees and the Gun Control so his moslims can Take Over !!!
You mean Obama’s mother$#%&!@*wad
yes, it happened to my son and I talk to other soldiers daily
Our soldiers in Afghanistan are furious. They didnt ask to go there but they have to pay their way home.
Well i mean it’s on the internet……so it must be true.