Everyday, it seems Obama goes out of his way to prove what a colossal joke he has made out of the presidency.
After being informed by his staff that 6 American soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack in Afghanistan today, the president effectively shrugged at the horrific news and continued with a planned trip to a golf course.
Sounds like Obama couldn’t be bothered to have his trip to Hawaii ruined by something as inconsequential as American servicemen being killed by jihadists.
The attack was launched by a suicide bomber who struck US forces just outside an American military base. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the killing, which marks the largest loss of US soldiers in Afghanistan this year.
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Maria cant be proved wrong because she’s 100percent right
POS, needs to be removed, he is a total disgrace to our men and women serving our nation!
Always Trust TRUTHANDACTION. Idiots
I can’t wait until 2017 so we (USA) can get rid of this embarrassment of a POTUS. Let’s make America great again!
If it were members of ISIS he would made a bee line for the door.
The golf game must go on
What the HELL does your rambling have to do with 6 soldiers killed? You liberals are disgusting anti Americans and need to leave the country, you’re like a cancer…
Is this true???
to borrow a phrase fromKillary: ” What difference does it make”?