Everyday, it seems Obama goes out of his way to prove what a colossal joke he has made out of the presidency.
After being informed by his staff that 6 American soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack in Afghanistan today, the president effectively shrugged at the horrific news and continued with a planned trip to a golf course.
Sounds like Obama couldn’t be bothered to have his trip to Hawaii ruined by something as inconsequential as American servicemen being killed by jihadists.
The attack was launched by a suicide bomber who struck US forces just outside an American military base. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the killing, which marks the largest loss of US soldiers in Afghanistan this year.
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When are people going to realize he has never cared about any American people, only in his own agenda in destroying our country, and turning it over to his terrorist friends, that he has been working for from day one.
I guess Bush twisted Obama administration harm and said do this, you funny
One word.
You are watching too much reality tv
Because another rightie rightie cut and pasted a list and pictures doesn’t make it right?! I have the Picsart app too!
Me and my buddies got this,
1. The reason Onama left trinity church and found a new one! Oops that makes him a
Christian and not a Muslim too bad you use helped debunk that myth. So sorry for you.
Play golf, that’s all you are good for !!
Robert Cosmo. I have pics art too! But I made my own cuz I’m talented! I wish I had a heart a brain the courage to do the right thing…..
So black peoples March because white police shoot first then ask questions so someone relates Martin Luther King making it Obama faint that white police are killing 16 year kids with 16 bullets on the ground. Obama has nothing to do with white run corrupt racist police departments.