Everyday, it seems Obama goes out of his way to prove what a colossal joke he has made out of the presidency.
After being informed by his staff that 6 American soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack in Afghanistan today, the president effectively shrugged at the horrific news and continued with a planned trip to a golf course.
Sounds like Obama couldn’t be bothered to have his trip to Hawaii ruined by something as inconsequential as American servicemen being killed by jihadists.
The attack was launched by a suicide bomber who struck US forces just outside an American military base. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the killing, which marks the largest loss of US soldiers in Afghanistan this year.
Turn to the next page for more information:
Impeach the corrupt liar NOW!
When you read this you will understand why Obama refuses to say the words “radical Islam.” Did you know that We Now Have a Muslim Government? … John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia. Obama’s top advisor, Valerie Jarrett,~~is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live. Hillary Clinton’s top advisor, Huma Abedin,~~is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan,~~is a Muslim. Homeland Security Advisor, Mohammed Elibiary,~~ is a Muslim. Obama advisor and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati,~~ is a Muslim. Obama’s Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America~~ is a Muslim. Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighbor-hood Partnerships, Eboo Patel,~~is a Muslim. And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself,~~ Barack Hussein Obama. It’s questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn’t repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again….in private? CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution,~~not a Bible. Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy ~~of the Qur’an. Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and almost tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government. Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East. The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he’s become! Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It WILL only get worse. Plus John Kerry’s son in law is an Iranian muslim. Had enough? Have a seat. Obama’s supporting any means to divide and conquer for political advantage. So the once vast middle class is reduced to join in with yet be against the immigrants. So the immigrants will soon be the majority, and vote for socialism. USA will become a single party, third world nation.
Sam Mckenna Prove she’s wrong….
he is a disgrace
Airmen & women. ALL were U.S. Air Force personnel.
Okie dokie you mean the corporations that get tax cuts?! Okay then fix it?! Donyiunecen know what 500 nations are?! You are in a right wing page?! Spreading and supporting lies. That doesn’t make you nuetral. Make a page called independent or nuetral or something and don’t just sit there saying in drinking look-aid? Which is a baby 12 year old boy thing to say.! I state facts ice researched outside of social media yet I’m the stupid one?! Then go ahead fix the world. Make a fusion car because fusion is 10 years in the horizon. Duh? What’s fusion? Right.
I would call fixing the economy fusing what bush did. He can’t fix all lost jobs because I agree with you big corporations did that!? Medical care became a corporation under republicans. Or don’t you read anything but Facebook or watch anything but reality TV?! I came from the working generation! Yet in smarter than all of you out together!
Sam what is 2+2=?……
He is a ballless wonder. Muslim MF. Dosen’t have the courtesy to call those families. Can’t interrupt his golf game. What a SOB.