Everyday, it seems Obama goes out of his way to prove what a colossal joke he has made out of the presidency.
After being informed by his staff that 6 American soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack in Afghanistan today, the president effectively shrugged at the horrific news and continued with a planned trip to a golf course.
Sounds like Obama couldn’t be bothered to have his trip to Hawaii ruined by something as inconsequential as American servicemen being killed by jihadists.
The attack was launched by a suicide bomber who struck US forces just outside an American military base. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the killing, which marks the largest loss of US soldiers in Afghanistan this year.
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Our “Emperor” is a giant douchenozzle.
As the old Ruby and The Romantics songs says, his day is coming.
His disdain for the military and America is general is on full display. Do I dislike him as commander and chief……..Absolutely!
Did it mess his poor golf game up?
Plays Golf to forget…
Obama says it’s workplace violence and we have to disarm all Americans including the military
Can anyone…..think of a more hated president in the history of this country?!!!!!!!
I hate that scum.
When are you going to learn the Democrats and Republicans are all in the pockets of the corporations. Obama didn’t fix what bush did only made it worse.
You’re a moron if you cannot see this as a possibility.