Obama’s DHS Secretary Excuses His Absence at Louisiana Flood Disaster

Obama’s DHS Secretary Excuses His Absence at Louisiana Flood Disaster

Once again, Barack Obama gets a pass from the mainstream media.

When George W. Bush took two days to get to Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, many called it the worst moment of his presidency. Kanye West made one of his first outrageous public comments in the aftermath, saying that the president “doesn’t care about black people.” While that statement seems quaint coming from West now, back then it mirrored the narrative pushed by the mainstream press.  George Bush was called anti-poor, anti-black, and anti-American for failing to publically address the situation immediately.

Now that Lousiana is one again flooding, and people are once again dying, one would think hat our current president would be held to the same standard as Geroge Bush, but that’s hardly the case.

Sure, this tragedy is smaller in scale than Hurricane Katrina, but the president doesn’t seem to have lifted a finger in response. The only thing he’s taken a break from his vacation for is to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

See how Obama’s white house tried to apologize for the president’s inaction on the next page:

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