It’s a dark night at the airport, and the red-eye from Iraq to the United States is taxiing to the farthest side of the embarkation area. Maybe the lights are dim, but if you look closely you can make out the hunched figures of men coming down the gangway of the plane. A nearby bus quickly fills up and takes off, as mysteriously as the plane that had landed just minutes before.
That’s the story being told by Combat Veterans For Congress, which is alleging that the US is shipping refugees into international US airports through UPS airplanes to circumvent the vetting process.
If true, it would mean that innumerable thousands of unvetted and potentially dangerous refugees are coming to the United States with out any stringent oversight, besides the cursory glance of nervous plane captains and a few stewards.
Read more on page 2.
And we are footing the bill
He wants to bankrupt the USA and us make all dependent on government. Clean out our bank accounts and declare the USA a socialist country. My opinion.
Well he is a chicken$#%&!@*muslim
Bringing in the exact people that hate us that will vote democrat when they are given a way to vote….
OMG I opened my door this morning the UPS guy wanted me to sign for his delivery of two terrorists. I told him I refused this shipment and to send them back to where they came from, LOL.
Where is our RobesPierre when we need him….
Off with their heads, in the public square….
Impeach obama and his crohns he hired in……Obama is the Worst President in US History
The invasion’s transportation by invitation, BO’s