Members of Congress must get approval to see the agreement by Obama’s Industry Trade Advisory Committee. Yet a corporation has access, of course, because they helped write it.
Make no mistake, this is a fascist take over as our laws and our Constitution will be subject to corporate interpretation!
How do you fix a “Breached system” …? Reassemble… ?
He is working with the multi billion group who are socialists. They made their money and will keep it while the rest of us pay all the bills for the illegals and all their perks. They put him in power !!!!
Come try that bull with our tree service sucka!
It can not be legal for him to do this
Obama can talk, and politic all he wants with the Chinese and others….In accordance with the Contitution ….All Treaties must be Approved by the Senate and are only valid if they are not in contradiction to the Constitution……
he doesn’t care if his actions are legal or not.
Hold him accountable!
Obama really screed America and is continuing to do so!
We need to stop O BAMA now Hes destroying the USA
~~~ This is the stuff of strange fiction…but it is incredibly true!
~~~ What a Pandora’s Box we opened when we elected this president!
~~~ Thank God the Lord and Creator of the universe is in control, and has His plan, and will put them all in their place, in His time!!
~~~ Look up! Your redemption is coming!!
~~~ Pray for America and Israel!!!