Obamacare was built on a lie of monumental proportions, as we saw when video was released of planners and programmers who clearly indicated that the promises that Obama was making were impossible and full of holes. It is impossible to provide more service and charge less, for example, but Obama insisted that the average family would save $2,500 per year for health insurance. In fact, the hugely expensive exchanges were built knowing that many people would look at the offerings and refuse to pay.
So Obamacare built into the system a system that said if you chose not to buy the mandated product/service, then you would have to pay a fine or a tax for not buying what was offered. The very idea boggles the mind, should be unconstitutional, and should be reason enough to throw out every Democrat politician (and it was all of them) who voted to dupe the public with this outrageous scheme.
Though Obama knowingly lied when he promised you could keep your health plan and your doctor and would not be coerced to change your plan, there is another villain of this story, and it is the insurance companies. They saw this illegal and unethical legislation and focused on the 40 million uninsured Americans who would be forced to buy their product, and they worked had to aid the Obama administration in its passage. It turns out that even millennials and 20 somethings are smart enough to figure out Obamacare is a bad deal for them and they are not buying, even though they must pay a fine for no medical insurance. As a result, the insurance companies are bleeding out due to expenses that far exceed the new income they are receiving from Obamacare. And now they are crying a river and asking for relief or a way out of the program or a way to alleviate their suffering.
Health insurers look for double digit increases, page 2:
I remember a lot of individuals back then when this came out saying..Oh it’s a good thing, look at all those who will have health care…! Well surprise surprise…! Now lets not complain if your rear end hurts because it is costing us extra dollars that we don’t have..Have a backbone and vote those that are in office now, vote them out in November..Vote the establishment and status quo out!
This is why retail is slow right now , people don’t have that extra cash due to paying the healthcare fines !
Do gas prices go up, do groceries go up, everything goes up. With or without obama care prices would go up.
Just what the Dr. ordered for a Republican win!! Trump 2016 !!
Obamacare was not meant to succeed. The goal has always been the Federal Government’s National Takeover of ALL MEDICAL INSURANCE but knew they could never pass it as such. Once they destroyed our Insurance and saddled the States with this America Destroying C**p, they knew American would have no other choice but to accept their takeover. This is just more of the control over the lives of the people by the SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST Regime.
I have always been concerned with obamacare as the massive surveillance,data collection machine ever invented. Every government entity has access to everyone medical information. Including homeland security and the media. When media can report on an incident and before police have talked to or arrested anyone, media is instantly reading off that person’s medical history. A man walks away, and media is detailing the mans mental history. How do you think media can escape HIPPA laws. How do they get their medical information. Remember when an emergency contact was just a name and a number. Not anymore. The photo is of a sign up for neurological services. It requests social security number and birthday just for an in case of emergency contact number. That is intrusive.
You can think that stupid b**** Polaski these assholes didn’t even read anything on this
Bend over here it cum
Let’s not only vote out the Democrat MONSTERS who illegally passed this c**p in the middle of the night, but the lying TRAITOR RINO’S who promised to rid us of this Middle Class destroying monstrosity if we elected or reelected them (McConnell, Ryan, Rubio, Graham, to name just a few) but instead FUNDED IT!
Stay tuned for more of the same if Hillary gets in!