A Obamacare processing center in Wentzville, MO, with a contract worth $1.2 billion, are paying hundreds of employees to sit around and do absolutely nothing.
The center is operated by the company Serco, which is turn owned by a British company.
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Obamacare Employees Get Paid To Do Nothing
Hey, give me some of that. Could use a little extra free cash.
That is a cops normal,job,show up and get paid for it!!
Obama wasting more of the taxpayers money,need to get rid of the people who do nothing
This is ridiculous. When is the stupidity, and waste going to end?
When the revolution starts..
Doing nothing is the Obama way. We need to Deport him for being a Lier and not being an American. Obama’s a Traitor and should be put in Jail.
Career politicians do the same.
and what are the color of most of those doing nothing?????
SO, Obama gets paid to do nothing
That’s the Obama way! Sit on your ass and do nuttin and get benefits and pay!