Another day, another lie regarding Obamacare. This time it is the intentional omission of three of the four Obamacare health insurance plans to determine the rate of premium increases for 2016. The increase is not just 7.5% which still should make American’s angry, but a whopping 20.3%! Read more about the deceptive figures on page two.
Now Who Voted For This SuckCocker obama!!! OhhhYeahhh, The No Working democraps!!!
So how’s that hope and change going for ya?
Ahahaha Duh! If u voted for this u r the problem!
you were warned over and over and you turned a deaf ear to the deliverer. just like some do to Christ. we all pay the consequences because of it. stupid deal but you all fell for it.
Man he screwed America, along with congress, did not even read this bill. Pretty sad.
Hahahaha…everybody told you so…..hahahaha
I told everybody it was a scam but nobody listened!
Obama care is set up at wallmarts, but nobody is using them.
Pelosi should’ve said, “you’ve got to sign it to find out how deep it’s gonna get broken off in ya!”
Just literally got my renewal……up 21% in December.