Is the Department of Health and Human Services following in the footsteps of the IRS? Well, not necessarily. At the IRS they just rely on unexplained hard drive crashes to cover their tracks and conceal wrongdoing. We’ll keep watching to see if this is just the tip of an iceberg of HHS corruption:
An email obtained by Congress shows the top official for Healthcare.gov at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under the Department of Health and Human Services, Marilyn Tavenner, instructed the agency’s top spokesman to “Please delete this email.”The instruction appears significant for several reasons: First, the email to be deleted included an exchange between key White House officials and CMS officials. Second, the email was dated October 5, 2013, five days into the disastrous launch of HealthCare.gov. Third, federal law requires federal officials to retain copies of –not delete– email exchanges. And fourth, the document to be deleted is covered under Congressional subpoena as well as longstanding Freedom of Information requests made by members of the media (including me).
In a letter today, House Energy and Commerce leaders asked Tavenner to explain why she asked her colleague to delete the email, and the letter questions whether there are other instances in which she instructed HHS staff to delete emails. The letter also asks for more details regarding Congressional subpoenaed documents, including Tavenner emails, that CMS recently said might be permanently lost; and it requests an explanation as to why redactions are made in some documents provided to Congress so far.
Source: Sharyl Attkinson
Photo: WeaselZippers
I knew it would only be a matter of time til the ‘cat got out of the bag’ so to speak. An American tragedy is unfolding before our very eyes. An allegedly bright black(half white)man who managed to skirt around the Constitutional requirement of being a natural born citizen also managed to get himself nominated and elected president of the U S A. Having been very vocal about his hatred of American Ideals in college he also managed (with the help of a few million dollars and friends in high places) to keep this information from reaching the light of day. However, his arrogant and dismissive attitude allowed his ego maniacal behavior to uncover his misdeeds. Now, try as he may, the bricks in his ‘stoned’ wall have begun to come loose. ‘Loose lips sink ships’ and have been known to bring down Kings and presidents. Mr. Obama… Let me introduce you to the beginning of your worst nightmare. I only pray that when all is said and done, you receive a life sentence without parole. I would not like to hear about your escapades in the far or middle east wearing a sheet and a turban and wielding a sword, screaming ‘all-ah-ak-bar’.
I knew it would only be a matter of time til the ‘cat got out of the bag’ so to speak. An American tragedy is unfolding before our very eyes. An allegedly bright black(half white)man who managed to skirt around the Constitutional requirement of being a natural born citizen also managed to get himself nominated and elected president of the U S A. Having been very vocal about his hatred of American Ideals in college he also managed (with the help of a few million dollars and friends in high places) to keep this information from reaching the light of day. However, his arrogant and dismissive attitude allowed his ego maniacal behavior to uncover his misdeeds. Now, try as he may, the bricks in his ‘stoned’ wall have begun to come loose. ‘Loose lips sink ships’ and have been known to bring down Kings and presidents. Mr. Obama… Let me introduce you to the beginning of your worst nightmare. I only pray that when all is said and done, you receive a life sentence without parole. I would not like to hear about your escapades in the far or middle east wearing a sheet and a turban and wielding a sword, screaming ‘all-ah-ak-bar’.
I DIDN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
throw them all in jail
Just like Walmart.
No accountability with this POS anti-American muslim and his muslim brotherhood administration. Nobody in Congress has the balls to stand up to this POS traitor. The American people are going to have to take the law in their own hands and remove this POS muslim from office by ballot or bullet!!!
Another Obama administration criminal!
ABUSE OF POWER! Where’s the indictments
Nothing surprises me that obastard does anymore. Loser