Let’s forget the fact that John Hopkins University has, after careful research and scientific analysis, taken a stand not to do sexual reassignment surgeries because it was found not to be beneficial for the patient.
Yet, the Obama administration seems to think it has all knowledge, of all subjects, and therefore can make the leap that to have more coverage in Obamacare for transgenders is most prudent.
Medical science has demonstrated that reassignment is not best for a patient, yet we the tax payer must ante up and will be helping cover more “health procedures sought by the transgendered.”
Should you pay for a sexual reassignment surgery for a 14-year-old girl who has much to learn about the world?
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TG surgery was done by Dr Josef Mengele, sponsored by the MK Ultra program in Harry Truman’s CIA…it is not new…at least it is elective…the “Angel of Death” would be proud of Obama and his minions…
Soros has no problem being a traitor he turned against the jews which he is one, and joined $#%&!@*s movement. He has been a disgrace to humanity all of his life and will burn in hell which is too good for him.
some times I think he is a $#%&!@*
Cat Boeckler Is this code ? Unable to read…Try spell check???
Bankrupt this country– then martial law–then see
What happens–
Oh hell no, no matter what the age…you want a sex change pay for it yourself.
Are you kidding me why? That’s insane