Let’s forget the fact that John Hopkins University has, after careful research and scientific analysis, taken a stand not to do sexual reassignment surgeries because it was found not to be beneficial for the patient.
Yet, the Obama administration seems to think it has all knowledge, of all subjects, and therefore can make the leap that to have more coverage in Obamacare for transgenders is most prudent.
Medical science has demonstrated that reassignment is not best for a patient, yet we the tax payer must ante up and will be helping cover more “health procedures sought by the transgendered.”
Should you pay for a sexual reassignment surgery for a 14-year-old girl who has much to learn about the world?
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Thanks Ron Krueger….
This is as bad as giving a prisoner a transplant when he’s on death row.
OH hell no!
PLEASE BE AWARE… It is not Obama but the ‘Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex’ which is just a ‘branch’ of the ‘Bloodsuckers Conglomerate’ that have been draining the whole world.
With the willful cooperation of the ignorant m$#%&!@*es; for as long as mankind refuses to know the Truth of Being n
Who knows what he is under that suite but he can put all the money he gets from me in the corner of his eye that sorry pain in the foof he needs to get a real job and work at it
We could make posters and let people know that hes spending all our tax money ?
time for Americans to DEMAND Congress do its duty and Impeach this fraud of a President!!!…NOW!!
What a load of c**p.
been told we have to absorbed and buckle down and absorb tax increases and yet there’s a shortage each year government sticks it’s nose inside areas government handing out all sorts of hand outs that we as tax payers have it seems no control over the gross expenses to which.. And hand out pink slips while our service members while they’re out hunting bad towel heads and fork over no pay raise in years yet for a prisoner in prisoner who wants a B.$. operation at our expense — NO it’s not a life or death surgery then it shouldn’t be done