While writing the Obamacare bill back in 2009, Obama’s health care adviser Jonathan Gruber stated that the ACA would definitely not be affordable.
After Gruber counseled Obama personally of this fact…Obama told the American people that premiums would go down. The Liar In Chief was doing what he does best.
Adding insult to injury is the Obamacare mandate.
“The problem is it starts to go hand in hand with the mandate; you can’t mandate insurance that’s not affordable. This is going to be a major issue,” Gruber revealed in a lecture on Oct. 2, 2009.
Americans cannot be mandated to buy anything…..this is illegal, against the law!
We are all just fu@#$%
We are not going to be forced to do anything!!
The only thing Obama cares about is him self !
Gee, this is just sinking in?!
ACA was and is about socialism, destruction of the middle class and endearing illegals and inserting them into government positions. Watch and see as the USA either stands up and fights or lays down and dies. I say FIGHT!
Genocide the legal way until , they all get caught.
Republicans must now do what voters elected them to do or America will end up with Obama’s government controlled health care plan. ObamaCare not only has to be repealed, it must be replaced with a health care system that will restore America’s economy, restore America’s middle class, maximize economic growth, and solve funding problems for Medicare and Social Security at the same time. The best and quickest way to reduce America’s debt, restore America’s economy, improve our middle class, maximize economic growth, and solve funding problems for Medicare and Social Security at the same time is to repeal ObamaCare and replace ObamaCare with right single payer health care stimulus plan.
The plan presented here will easily replace ObamaCare, reduce our national debt in less time, provide health care for all Americans, create more jobs, create more tax revenue, reduce healthcare costs, restore monetary stability, solve Veteran’s, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid funding problems while keeping our military strong, providing health care to veterans at any hospital, increase our middle class society, and save other important entitlement programs without adding to the federal deficit.
The best health care stimulus plan that will accomplish all of this and elect a Republican President in 2016 is a single-payer, retail sales-based healthcare stimulus system that would be financed through a variable percentage added to or incorporated into every retail sales transaction at the point of purchase or service.
By eliminating business-crippling, ObamaCare and moving healthcare finance to the retail sales transaction where it belongs, we will create new businesses, create more jobs, and more revenue with lower-priced American made products while spreading healthcare cost to include the purchases of all imported products as well. Without the additional burden of healthcare expense, American businesses will now be in a position to expand, hire more workers, and be more competitive in emerging world markets.
Everyone, including illegal immigrants, will be paying for this plan with each purchase made and everyone will be required to register with a participating insurance company to receive healthcare benefits.
Illegal immigrants will also be required to register with the government to receive health care and for tax purposes. Necessary documents will be made available to healthcare providers online for illegal immigrants seeking medical attention without documentation and healthcare providers will be required to notify the proper authorities. Ceiling amount, co-pay, prescriptions, other problems, and variable rates to finance the plan will be determined by an independent healthcare commission. Monetary premium distribution to insurance companies will be based upon a determined ratio of claim amounts to cliental numbers with insurance companies providing agent services and allowed to make a justified margin of profit.
The amount of healthcare insurance now paid by the employee and the employer or government agency will be divided in half with half retained by the employer or government agency and the other half increasing the worker’s paycheck. If the employee now pays more than half of their healthcare costs, then the employee would receive the amount he or she presently pays for healthcare insurance. This provision will add more spending income to workers, which, in turn, will promote more job growth.
Medicare and supplemental insurance will no longer be needed by senior citizens because they will be included under the same health care system. This will automatically increase the spending income of Social Security recipients. Senior citizens will have more income to pay bills without the added burden of their health care insurance premiums.
Necessary abortions, including rape, incest, and safeguarding health will be covered under this plan.
Doctors and patients will have absolute control of healthcare decisions and healthcare providers, guaranteed payment with less overhead expense, will be able to reduce the costs of their services under this plan.
Without the additional burden of insurance expense placed on American made products as they move from production through transportation and the various routes of increased insurance margins adding to the final price of their products, American made products will be less expensive to the consumer which will offset some of the healthcare costs and decrease our balance of trade deficits with foreign countries.
Other government programs that provided healthcare to low income families will no longer be required and that expense diverted to supplement this system.
By eliminating the burden of employer-based healthcare added to the cost of American made products, manufacturing will return to America. Small businesses and mom and pop stores will once again thrive, and all employers will now have an incentive to hire more workers, thereby creating a snowball effect for a quicker economic recovery, more tax revenue, and a reversal of the damaging outcome of Obamacare.
Insurance budgets, no longer needed by the postal system, federal, state, and local government agencies, will result in more money for those agencies, for teachers, schools, police departments, and emergency services.
A separate Medicare budget will no longer be needed because all coverage currently paid through Medicare will be incorporated into this guaranteed healthcare system. Since Medicare will no longer be deducted from worker’s paychecks, the amount previously paid into Medicare can now be paid into Social Security to improve that program. Operational expenses previously spent on Medicare can now be diverted to this plan or to Social Security.
Expenses to operate and maintain veterans hospitals will be eliminated from the national budget since all veterans will be covered under this healthcare system and veterans will have the ability to visit any hospital of their choice. This will result in additional money saved.
Lower income Americans normally do not purchase as much, therefore they will share less of a burden for healthcare. They could also receive a tax break or extra allotments to offset some or all of their contribution.
Products purchased outside of our borders and brought into America will have to be declared and charged the appropriate healthcare fee.
With the knowledge and confidence that American manufactures and businesses will be more price competitive in domestic and world markets, America’s credit rating will be restored and a stable American stock market will pave the way for a faster economic recovery and a stronger dollar while avoiding current economic problems.
This healthcare-stimulus package, combined with strong border security, will enable America to pull itself up by its bootstraps with more Americans working in better paying jobs and producing more American products. It is a healthcare system that will work without cutting necessary programs or adding billions in failed job creation indebtedness to our children and it is a way to end our debt.
All a big farce to gain control of this country, beware of what is ahead!
The only way Obamacare works is for people who do not work. For the working man/woman, the premium may be low, but the ductable is VERY large.