While writing the Obamacare bill back in 2009, Obama’s health care adviser Jonathan Gruber stated that the ACA would definitely not be affordable.
After Gruber counseled Obama personally of this fact…Obama told the American people that premiums would go down. The Liar In Chief was doing what he does best.
Adding insult to injury is the Obamacare mandate.
“The problem is it starts to go hand in hand with the mandate; you can’t mandate insurance that’s not affordable. This is going to be a major issue,” Gruber revealed in a lecture on Oct. 2, 2009.
Our congress , Never should have passed it. They are fools , Only out for them selves . They foll people into voting for them all the time.
Some folks are really easily made a fool of.
At this point don’t trust anyone in the White House. And dont trust 95% of Congress. Why is it that elections seldom change anything. Because most are in it for the wrong reasons.
Obamacare must be eliminated to go ahead with making medical help easier to get
I thnk it’s funny that the guy who blathered on about the ‘stupidity’ of voters convinced only Democrats to vote for this travesty.
He dose not have Oboom’s Strings , He didn’t give him Money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOB < 500 CO.s & ECT.
just shows you how corupt it is
2009 get for real this is 2015 get up-to-date before looking like a Repub !!!
Wrong. I’m know if I get laid off I won’t get Obama care. No way I will sue!!!