While writing the Obamacare bill back in 2009, Obama’s health care adviser Jonathan Gruber stated that the ACA would definitely not be affordable.
After Gruber counseled Obama personally of this fact…Obama told the American people that premiums would go down. The Liar In Chief was doing what he does best.
Adding insult to injury is the Obamacare mandate.
“The problem is it starts to go hand in hand with the mandate; you can’t mandate insurance that’s not affordable. This is going to be a major issue,” Gruber revealed in a lecture on Oct. 2, 2009.
Obamacare death panels, no care is sick past 75 years old
You people that elected Obama got what you ask for. We are going to pay the price for it. Get rid of this SOB, part of his plan to destroy America. He is out worst enemy.
the real truth, now congress repeal it get to work in DC .
What do these people think off OBOZO now??? Idiots…
Impeach the trader in chief
That Is Good
Yea, but you can’t blame Palosi. She didn’t know what was in it before she passed it. Course, she doesn’t have obomacare so it doesn’t affect her! Somebody build me a large gallous and I will carry out the public hangings!
screw oboma and his commie administration, wait till they tell you how much your fine is and how it works, do not expect a return they screwd me better get ready to be mad.