While writing the Obamacare bill back in 2009, Obama’s health care adviser Jonathan Gruber stated that the ACA would definitely not be affordable.
After Gruber counseled Obama personally of this fact…Obama told the American people that premiums would go down. The Liar In Chief was doing what he does best.
Adding insult to injury is the Obamacare mandate.
“The problem is it starts to go hand in hand with the mandate; you can’t mandate insurance that’s not affordable. This is going to be a major issue,” Gruber revealed in a lecture on Oct. 2, 2009.
And don’t forget doesn’t insure any one but illegal aliens and welfare.
an argument from the other side and their whole-hearted resentment of progression? Yes. I see that being likely.
because he never says the truth, you are so right, so so so right.
Now keep off the internet and get some sunshine, praise Jesus, bake some muffins and stop helping.
blahblahblah, the bush years sucked as well, blahblahblah…
I will agree, we need more true candidates. That’s for sure.
that might involve real journalism and creativity…
no, welfare needs a major overhaul, not more money thrown into an relative abyss…we just hate helping the poor, and if it does something, that’s enough for us…even if that something isn’t much at all.
And when you become a refugee in that moment, I hope no country lets you in, and if they do, I hope they don’t give you any privacy, and will hang you at the moment you look at them funny….cause that’s how you sound right now. Jergoff
are you an Indian?
around 80% of leaders are either sociopaths or psychopathic in their tendencies and/or beliefs…dig that statistic for a while.
He has violated Title 18, Section 1035; False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters, and Section 1038; False Information and Hoaxes. A combined $500,000.00 fine or up to a combined imprisonment of 10 yrs.