While writing the Obamacare bill back in 2009, Obama’s health care adviser Jonathan Gruber stated that the ACA would definitely not be affordable.
After Gruber counseled Obama personally of this fact…Obama told the American people that premiums would go down. The Liar In Chief was doing what he does best.
Adding insult to injury is the Obamacare mandate.
“The problem is it starts to go hand in hand with the mandate; you can’t mandate insurance that’s not affordable. This is going to be a major issue,” Gruber revealed in a lecture on Oct. 2, 2009.
Federal Hospital and Nursing Facility Patient Dumping ( denial of contracted services ) began in 1998 by HHS OIG June Gibbs Brown, HCFA Nancy DeParle and Deputy U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder – by using Hospital HHS ‘social workers’ to interfere with patient care by enactment of a dispute resolution procedure. The administrative prosecdure is used to force illegal HCFA State Medicaid Kickback conversion – patient dumping: denial of contracted services results in physical injury and death of the defrauded individual.
T18CFR1001CRIME — JUDICIARY OVERSITE – ABUSE OF OFFICIAL AUTHORITY // 24 FEB 2010 — 12:00 PM Noon — U.S. House H.R. 4626 just passed Removal of Anti Trust Exemption for the Health Insurance Industry – CONFLICT of INTEREST CRIME — 1999 http://www.JUSTICE.gov/dag/pubdoc/HIPAA00ar21.htm National Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control ( dispute resolution procedure T18CFR242CRIME ) Task Force – giving illegal EXCLUSION from federal prosecution, to federal hospital insurance service contract providers, for defrauding the United States Government and Individual US Citizens, using a dispute resolution procedure – criminal denial of existing Federal Hospital Insurance Claims _ http://www.michigan.gov/documents/HMO_Complaint_Informationa_158401_7.htm, used to force Federal Beneficiaries into CMS State Medicaid HMO programs for the poor _ MONEY LAUNDERING – knowingly and willingly _ racketeering against the elderly, middle class and poor
Dems: YES 238 – Reps: NO 181 // 4:00 PM HR 4626 regarding 1945 McCarron|Ferguson Act – Make Health Insurers subject to both State and Federal Regulations – Passed – 406 YES – 19 NO *** NOT PASSED by the SENATE ***
I will always believe the BHO emblem above was intended to replace the America Flag! Every president in the past ‘ALWAYS’ used the American flag as their mark/statement… this president replaced it with his emblem! Does this not speak volumes about his character, his arrogance, and his narcissism!
For those who can wait to file their taxes, you legally can file on the third year, Oghetto care should be history by then.
Fitting you use illegitimate sources and claim them as facts.
Biggest fraud ever!!
What happened to getting Rid in its entirety??
It has been a left wing scam since the democrats of both houses ramrodded it through and the supreme court rewrote it to go from a penalty for not buying it which was unconstitutional to a constitutional tax which was NOT passed by congress.
It’s almost $400 a month for me. I really don’t see how that’s considered “affordable”.
they have just figured that out!! amazing!! if anyone is stupid it is him and his administration!