While writing the Obamacare bill back in 2009, Obama’s health care adviser Jonathan Gruber stated that the ACA would definitely not be affordable.
After Gruber counseled Obama personally of this fact…Obama told the American people that premiums would go down. The Liar In Chief was doing what he does best.
Adding insult to injury is the Obamacare mandate.
“The problem is it starts to go hand in hand with the mandate; you can’t mandate insurance that’s not affordable. This is going to be a major issue,” Gruber revealed in a lecture on Oct. 2, 2009.
gee what a surprise.
No Patrick we the people are the big losers.
If only we could grow a pair.
obummer care is a death sentence. americans die every day on obummer care. if its that good why is government excempt from having to have this goat humping muslims death care. build more jails we the true americans will not comply.
TO MAKE IT PERFECTLY CLEAR, LET ME SAY THAT OBAMA’S PRESIDENCY HAS BEEN OUTRAGEOUS, DISGRACEFUL, SHAMEFUL, OFFENSIVE, CONTEMPTIBLE, DESPICABLE, APPALLING, DISHONORABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DREADFUL, DISHORABLE, NASTY, DISGUSTING, HORRENDOUS, DISTASTEFUL, INSULTING, AWFUL, TERRIBLE, VILE, ATROCIOUS,ABYSMAL, AND DOWNRIGHT DISGRACEFUL!. President Obama is unequivocally America’s most inept, least transparent, and worst President in American history. Sadly, Obama’s campaign promise of hope, change, transparency, and helping the middle class in 2008 soon became false hope, blame, shame, and deceit; then rhetorical promises without substantial action, political shenanigans, corruption, and lies that were soon followed by complete disregard of Constitutional law and finally American disgrace in the world by America’s delusional and dysfunctional President who‘s communist agenda of government control is only surpassed by his visceral hatred of America and devastation of America’s middle class society.
Never in U.S. history has a President lied so blatantly and so many times to the American people. One of Obama’s compound lies was to support the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution which was made by Obama before the 2012 election and again by Obama when he took the Presidential oath of office by swearing that he would faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States , and that he would to the best of his Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Since then, he has completely disregarded or ignored Constitutional law to implement his communistic agendas and to nullify the 2nd Amendment and there may have been a greater election winning Obama scam and lie in the making since October 22, 2012; one that will affect the entire world. It was during the third presidential debate that President Obama said “But to the issue of Iran, as long as I’m president of the United States, Iran will not get a nuclear weapon”. If Iran is allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon, this will be an even greater scam than Obama’s participation in the Obamacare scam that Jonathan Gruber, architect of the Obamacare scam, has admitted.
For failing to abide by the U.S. Constitution, ignoring Constitutional law and failure to honor the Presidential Oath of Office, President Obama needs to be held accountable and should be impeached.
President Obama will be remembered more for the bereavement bestowed upon the American people and the world, for the ruination of America’s economy, for the downgrading of America’s creditability and trust in the world, for the scandals of his administration, for the lies he has told to the American people, and for his dysfunctional leadership than for any accomplishment.
Future generations will not regard Obama’s Presidency as America’s first African-American President but as America’s first African-Communist President.
repeal obama care and impeach and arrest obama for fraud treason and breaking the the constitution congress do it now we the people of the united states of america demand it
It’s all in the plan to ruin our way of life.
the death of many .. especially eldery is what is the price ..
pray for good health