While writing the Obamacare bill back in 2009, Obama’s health care adviser Jonathan Gruber stated that the ACA would definitely not be affordable.
After Gruber counseled Obama personally of this fact…Obama told the American people that premiums would go down. The Liar In Chief was doing what he does best.
Adding insult to injury is the Obamacare mandate.
“The problem is it starts to go hand in hand with the mandate; you can’t mandate insurance that’s not affordable. This is going to be a major issue,” Gruber revealed in a lecture on Oct. 2, 2009.
obama care was a act of treason !
some folks can’t afford insurance . and the IRS is gonna fine them. shame not right.
Agreed…its High Treason with a High Price to it too
Well you can mandate it if it is a tax. Governments have been slamming citizens with taxes they can’t afford and offering service they don’t want or need as justification since the begining of it. Anyone really surprised they found another way to tax us? Next will be the air we breathe.
So even though Nancy Pelosi and all the others following her direction, which was Obama’s plan, knew the plan wasn’t affordable, but they went along with it anyway. The only reason they wanted it was to gain another foothold in controlling everyone under their direction.
Obamacare is High Treason and there will be a Serious Price to Paid for High Treason
Since 1776, Hussein the muslim has been the worst thing to ever happen to the U.S. of A. 9/11 ruined a lot of people’s lives, but Obamacare, in the long run, will ruin many more this year!
the evil muslins are free of it cause obama is a muslin ,,, ,the word demitude is a muslin word and is suppossed to be in the (page 106 or 108 ) the word beheading is in it ,, ( what is the favorite way muslins kill ) unconstitutional law ,,
I’m sorry but as an American no one call tell me I have to purchase a product, and I won’t nor will I ever sign up for it.
We knew this from the beginning!