According to Dr. Lee Hieb, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and Fox News commentator, Obamacare was designed to force rural hospitals to close.
“I think that’s what the ACA was really designed to bring about,” states Dr. Hieb. “You can say it’s an unintended consequence. I’m not sure; I think it’s an intended consequence.”
one way to cut the cost of medical care is to have fewer places to get it! also fewer doctors and remove the motivation to excel by paying them all the same government wage. finally, discourage care for the elderly (confirmed by my physician at my last physical….”don’t look for problems, just a pat on the back and superficial physical is all that is wanted”) and abort as many babies as possible.
#TedCruz will give Americans our voice back. The Speaker must be an American voice too. #TedCruz can make that happen too.
I can’t take this seriously when somebody can’t even spell hospital
Although I believe obamacare is going to destroy healthcare in the USA, citing the closure of only 48 hospitals in 5 years is NOT proof.
Obamacare has cost too many lives and is not working. No one thought it would except the liberals. Now we see no one can afford it anymore. Another Dumbama joke.
going to see more too
Josh Smith
This makes a lot of sense about the depopulation that is going to start soon
January 20, 2017 we will be the new presidential Inauguration day. That morning Obama is out of the white house and no longer in control of our country.
393 days left with Obama.