According to Dr. Lee Hieb, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and Fox News commentator, Obamacare was designed to force rural hospitals to close.
“I think that’s what the ACA was really designed to bring about,” states Dr. Hieb. “You can say it’s an unintended consequence. I’m not sure; I think it’s an intended consequence.”
Happen in Germany , can happen here !!!!
Impeach and prison
just shows what garbage is in the white house
Why, so people would die?
Illegals have caused the shutdown of hundreds of hospitals in the south
I guess no one read the small print !!!!!!
Wouldn’t doubt it!!!
Marilyn Lehning , it may sound far fetched to some but the US Gov and UN are alot more concerned about population control than saving lives , as well as CONTROL in general , if the people are forced to see a limited number of select Medical facilities and doctors then they have quadrupled their ability to control the people ! This is Not a talking point from the tin foil hat groups either ,this has been done in Every Country that has fallen to a tyrannical gov . ,, it’s all in black and white written down in the history books , look for yourself !