It should have been clear when the Democrats forced through the Obamacare legislation without a single Republican vote, and as Nancy Pelosi pointed out, without even knowing what was in the bill, that it would be a disaster. When President Obama claimed that costs would go down by $2,500 per family, coverage would increase, and the same providers would be available to consumers if they wanted to keep their existing insurance, it should have been obvious that the president was lying. Now that we are a few years into the program we are seeing rates skyrocket, coverage that is both expensive and worthless because of the huge deductibles and co-pays, and we are also seeing the departure of insurance companies from the system who are not even able to make a profit. The administration will proudly point to the increasing numbers of signups without mentioning that 2016 enrollment will be about half the number projected from when the program was jammed through Congress. It is also astonishing that the program is not more successful given the fines or taxes the government assesses anyone who does not sign up for their product.
But now there are even larger problems on the horizon, if can imagine it. Learn about the change that is about to devastate the program even further on the Next Page:
Designed to fail. An Obama success.
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They knew this would happen from the the beginning. It was only the first step into the Government taking over Healthcare completely. After citizens were forced onto this BS Middle Class destroying Redistribution TAX, they would have to accept the Governments Single Payer Health Insurance after this implosion because they would be desperate for Insurance. It is already happening in Colorado. Don’t you remember Nancy Pelosi winking and promising Single Payer would come and to just be patient when the Socialist Democrats were upset that the government didn’t institute Single Payer in the beginning instead of Obamacare?
can`t have nothin`
No. They are waiting to take your money on income tax season if you don’t have health insurance. I can’t afford it. I’ll starve if I did. A legalized way to fund his protect. Rotten to the core with no remorse.
Ovomit care was killory care first both losers and ineffective in their jobs. A total waste of time and effort….. Should be called worthless care.
Barack Hussein Obama the Muslim in chief.
Opuppet and goober!
Obama’s government said on television, that they could get Obama care passed because the majority of the America people were STUPID, (only the ones that voted for Obama, not once but twice), Actually Obama, not all Americans are stupid, we know exactly what you have been up too. To Destroy America, just as fast as you could. Your record tells me so.
I, a citizen of The United States of America, am calling for the arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 of the United States Constitution for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies… If you agree, please copy and repost!!!