The Obama Administration is at it again. They’re changing the number of people they estimated would sign up for Obamacare with the number of people who actually did sign up.
This, of course, doesn’t take into account the 22% of enrollees who have dropped coverage this year, due to various reasons.
This leaves enrollment in the 9 million percentile, which the Obama Administration is claiming was their projection for 2015, but earlier projections by CBO predicted a much different number.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Who is paying for the invaders meals and lodging and obummer care ?????
really who ???
Sorry Tom Tim Philpot. But this plan is a sham. It’s just a huge tax increase. It hurts the middle cl$#%&!@* the most. I was against it from the beginning. I’m a Christian. I get helping the poor…. but it’s not the gubments job to help everyone who hasn’t… by taking away from those who have. Plus penalizing those who don’t comply is shear stealing. Here’s the kicker…….. the poor still can’t get a plan or mind alone pay the penalty. Obummer care is a lie. My doctor friends agree and so do I… it does nothing more than add to the gubments coffers ( taxes ) and leads us deeper into a socialistic country.
Bullcrap Nick Juve, every Republican plan will shift more cost on the American people, so insurance company’s SHAREHOLDERS can put more into their Tax Dodging Offshore Bank Accounts!!!
Edward Barth, this is a sham!! Tax breaks for their campaign donors and our payroll taxes goes up!!!
Tim Philpot…would you be willing to share how obamacare has helped you? I haven’t heard any good stories & if you have one please share.
And we still get penalized!
At some point, u ACA haters need to research for yourself….. The rate of uninsured Americans is to its lowest level since 1990
No surprise their.