The Obama Administration is at it again. They’re changing the number of people they estimated would sign up for Obamacare with the number of people who actually did sign up.
This, of course, doesn’t take into account the 22% of enrollees who have dropped coverage this year, due to various reasons.
This leaves enrollment in the 9 million percentile, which the Obama Administration is claiming was their projection for 2015, but earlier projections by CBO predicted a much different number.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
gee, how come
It’s Killing me!!!!
What the people who supported this act didn’t take into account is that by forcing people to take health coverage ( insurance, not health care) you took a disproportionate amount of money out of common circulation. Less people taking vacations, due to having to take health coverage. Less cars being bought. Less good and services being bought. Less people working, less cash flow in our economy ( don’t worry, though, the Fed can print more, right?). This has indirectly affected the American economy in a very bad way.
But what do you expect from socialists? They make huge promises that they can’t deliver, and do it at the expense of free market and a free economy. Great job, folks!
Ummmmmm…..GDP growth? You are away the GND surp$#%&!@*es the GDP, right? And continues to do so every day, more and more and more.
Come on man. Quit with the memes and do some research.
…..and 19 million people who were forced to take coverage or be penalized isn’t really a success, is it? Sheesh.
scuttle the crooks and treasonous creatures in DC while you’re at it.
perhaps because people are getting REAL health care now.
Another Obama Fail LMAO
This is government control of your health. They have the say , not you or your doctor. Obama has his heath czar picked out and the guy has commented fraud for crying out loud. Under Obamacare sucks babies are going to die along with sick old people. Neither contribute to society. That just leaves lots of young healthy people. Insurance companies get supper rich. Talk about CEO’s getting huge money. This is the Obama Democrat heath care bill at its best.
U so-called Christians don’t care about people…. Over 12 MILLION Americans that NEVER had healthcare due to health issues, the preventive health care that’s actually saving lives!!