Since it left the gates, Obamacare has been a sinking ship. In order to cover up its failures, the Obama Administration keeps continues to change their yearly projections to meet the actual numbers.
Earlier this year, the Obama administration reported that 12.7 million had signed up for insurance on the exchanges. Roughly 22 percent of those individuals have since dropped coverage for various reasons, leaving 9.9 million paying customers on the exchanges as of the end of June.
That means growth must come from those who are somewhat better off and who are therefore eligible for smaller (or no) subsidies. In other words, the people yet to enroll in Obamacare are those who will most keenly feel any price spikes.
For anybody still denying that this is the government’s way of redistributing wealth, the statistics don’t lie. In order for Obamcare to work, it has to be paid for by the very people who aren’t using it. With penalties due to start in 2016, the next couple of years will prove just how much of a disaster it is.
Even the lowest of welfare takers can figure out the fine is way cheaper than the premiums.
It was a failure from the beginning!
Obamacare is so expensive the people can not afford to pay for it and still support our families. Impeach and get him out of our Whitehouse!
Quit patting yourself on your back Tim… it’s not flattering. This plan is nothing but smoke and mirrors. There are numerous tax increases in this bill… the biggest…. by 2018 everone will be taxed on their healthcare plan, that their employer offers them… fact! I run my own business. .. I’m taxed up the wazoo already. Welcome to USU/RUSSIA. Your argument is built on quick sand. Tim… are you on this wonderful health care plan? And if so… how much are your premiums a month? The Dems. are the ones who have everyone buffaloed. If the plan was so great… why did they all ( including Reps. ) exempt themselves from this HEAVENLY plan ( said in sharp sarcastic tone )
Costs too much and doesn’t do what is promised!
Congress should not have the right to exempt themselves from the laws “they” impose on the taxpayers. Very revealing that it’s a PP law.
If the government handles the m9ney it will never help the people. They are constantly looking for ways to steal our money. They work for themselves, not the voters.