The penalties for not enrolling in Obamacare are much higher this year than the previous. In 2014 you had to pay either $95 per person or 1 percent of your yearly household income, which ever was greater. In 2015, one must pay the higher of $325 per person or 2 percent of your annual income – which can be as high as $2,448 per family member.
The enrollment period starting in 2015 is much shorter than it was last year, running from Nov. 15 to Feb. 15.
Also, you must make sure to account for any changes in income or you could end up owing money instead of getting that expected refund.
Its still cheaper. They can keep my tax return. I have no family and i still would pay over 200 a month and i dont make more then 10 an hr. P**s on tyrannical socialist Nazi healthcare.
Lets hope this unamerican joke gets repealed.
We ARE allowed to file late. I’ve seen people wait a couple of years befoere filing. I’m thinking after 2016 would be a good time.
Alinsky/Obama Plan #1 – Control healthcareand you control the people.
refuse—we knew this was coming and every year the cost will go up just dont file forget about claiming anything, just pay the stupid fine
defund the federal govt stop paying taxes and watch washinington scream rape. what are they gonna do put the whole country in jail? 308 million people .
Getting even 33 percent of people on board with your idea would make it workable Jeff.
Well if Obama is going to do that then get those who owe millions in back taxes AL sharpton