The penalties for not enrolling in Obamacare are much higher this year than the previous. In 2014 you had to pay either $95 per person or 1 percent of your yearly household income, which ever was greater. In 2015, one must pay the higher of $325 per person or 2 percent of your annual income – which can be as high as $2,448 per family member.
The enrollment period starting in 2015 is much shorter than it was last year, running from Nov. 15 to Feb. 15.
Also, you must make sure to account for any changes in income or you could end up owing money instead of getting that expected refund.
It will collapse on itself before then.
It won’t exist after 2016
Replace it with a real American President
Obama don’t care!
Sorrt your already paying for it just like the rest of us are. Tax dollars.
No it will just go up. And bedides your already supporting it. Tax dollars.
Obummer care was a money making scam and is a money making scam! It’s trash!
p**s on obama quran pig and irs hls
keep your eyes on your credit report, you will start seeing tax liens…and they will be hell to get them removed, even if you prove they are wrong!!, and most will be WRONG!!…also IRS now will have access to your medical records!…we need to impeach!!!!
The law is illegal and unconstitutional! The so called”president”, has no legal right to be president! The A-hole is a Muslim sympathizer, a terrorist to the American people, and he’s a crook! Better wake up people! A war is coming!!!