The penalties for not enrolling in Obamacare are much higher this year than the previous. In 2014 you had to pay either $95 per person or 1 percent of your yearly household income, which ever was greater. In 2015, one must pay the higher of $325 per person or 2 percent of your annual income – which can be as high as $2,448 per family member.
The enrollment period starting in 2015 is much shorter than it was last year, running from Nov. 15 to Feb. 15.
Also, you must make sure to account for any changes in income or you could end up owing money instead of getting that expected refund.
write on your dirty cars kill the
open new world,new life snd the future,,
I don’t know what to think about this. I want a better life for all. Everyone deserves healthcare but how do we get it.
wonder what would happen if we stopped paying all together put 0 down for tax and rebelled against their unlawful BS no more vacations for them or free hand outs.
it’s cheaper
just repeal and replace it with somenting that works and doesnt hurt people
Today my coworker informed me his healthcare just slammed him for another $300 per month he cannot afford. THANKS 0Blamebush!
and they called us stupid pass it then read it now who looks stupid lmao we didn’t want it in the first place.Idiots all of them may God help us.
hahahahashahahaahhahahah I voted for the American.
I will worry about that if I can find a job. now that rep. hold most the government again maybe we can see some job growth now