The penalties for not enrolling in Obamacare are much higher this year than the previous. In 2014 you had to pay either $95 per person or 1 percent of your yearly household income, which ever was greater. In 2015, one must pay the higher of $325 per person or 2 percent of your annual income – which can be as high as $2,448 per family member.
The enrollment period starting in 2015 is much shorter than it was last year, running from Nov. 15 to Feb. 15.
Also, you must make sure to account for any changes in income or you could end up owing money instead of getting that expected refund.
That’s what happens when you vote on a bill you haven’t read. You can’t trust people anymore especially polititions.
Where can i get one, They look great.
everyone involved with this needs to be SHOT
Agreed. I would prefer hung in public on a televised event so their “followers” understand this is a capital offense and we will 100% come for them.
What if you have private ins? They had better not penalize us! We are paying our own way!
Out the nose I might add! Our ins. Is high for the 3 of use. But I would never sign up for this! I can pay my own way!
I still can not believe our Supreme Court allowed this to happen. I hope John Roberts is happy! All of them that sided with this! Terrible!
Then just get some insurance then. Jeebus!!
Impeach and prison
Is there a tax/penalty table one can refer to?