Yes, Barack actually said that at a town hall in DesMoines. He inferred there is no line between citizens, illegal aliens and legal immigrants.
According to the President, only Native Americans are truly from the United States, which makes little sense since they did not create the nation…or as Barack likes to say, “You didn’t build that.”
To explore your new lack of citizenship in comparison to the Syrian refugees Obama seeks to import, check the next page:
I’m not convinced that he is not an illegal!
What part of illegal does he not understand. My heritage is that of immigrants…LEGAL.
guess that is the wisdom coming from an illegal alien
Who is he trying to kid? Nobody believes him anymore.
My mother was born here i was never a illegal Obama needs to go back to school
Your wrong, I am an AMERICAN. You are Not, they are not. I have rights in this country, they are criminals and have no rights.
Get him out of here.. We were born are born n bred here, therefore we R legal.. Go back to Kenya Barry Sirtorieo”””
He’s no different than a Vladimir Putin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, or any other Tyrannical, Oppressive Dictator…
BULL $HIT– I didn’t brake the law sneaking in —- so to correct you —- you might be just like them as you seem to think you’re above the law and they broke the law getting and parking here
hes a commi socialist pig free basing cocaine addict wtf is he doing in drivers seat??