Yes, Barack actually said that at a town hall in DesMoines. He inferred there is no line between citizens, illegal aliens and legal immigrants.
According to the President, only Native Americans are truly from the United States, which makes little sense since they did not create the nation…or as Barack likes to say, “You didn’t build that.”
To explore your new lack of citizenship in comparison to the Syrian refugees Obama seeks to import, check the next page:
f u obama
Stupid can not be fixed
He is one
Speak correctly , Obama//”Different from”, not different than”!!! but then, who is listening to you anyway?
Talk trash about the people.he is not my president
What a assh#@le , every time he opens his mouth, STUPID COMES OUT !!!
I don’t think illegals have the same rights here as they have done nothing but break the law here and all of us go to jail for that and none have fought and died for our freedom and for our president to even think such a thing goes to show where his loyalty lies
He will say anything to justify his agenda.
How could anyone have voted for this IDIOT!