Yes, Barack actually said that at a town hall in DesMoines. He inferred there is no line between citizens, illegal aliens and legal immigrants.
According to the President, only Native Americans are truly from the United States, which makes little sense since they did not create the nation…or as Barack likes to say, “You didn’t build that.”
To explore your new lack of citizenship in comparison to the Syrian refugees Obama seeks to import, check the next page:
He’s their leader
Look AT THAT FACE….yea…he Loves The USA…
Illegal idiot
Scum,clueless scum.
You can be called by any name if there is a trace of hypocrisy at this stage we were in the presence of God, our Father of Ages.
The liberals and RINOS are destroying America to get the hispanic vote using illegal immigration. Today being a US citizen means nothing to the corrupt political establishment, no matter if you’re a Vet. Obama said that there is no difference giving jobs to illegal immigrants or US citizens.
He is the illegal. Some of us have lived here all of our lives along with our patriotic, God fearing ancesters who have given their blood sweat, prayers, and tears to see America thrive.j
No, I am a joint heir with Jesus and heir according to the promise.
He should know. He’s not an American citizen either
Obama you can kiss my ?