Yes, Barack actually said that at a town hall in DesMoines. He inferred there is no line between citizens, illegal aliens and legal immigrants.
According to the President, only Native Americans are truly from the United States, which makes little sense since they did not create the nation…or as Barack likes to say, “You didn’t build that.”
To explore your new lack of citizenship in comparison to the Syrian refugees Obama seeks to import, check the next page:
So, So, very true.
Obama got his birth record & law degree from hell.
Oh i have one of those but bigger i keep it close at hand.
Obama and his Muslim friends are still back in the 7th century! There are no original Americans or Mexicans still alive from when Mexico owned part of America! Now we Americans get to say who are illegal!
My great grandmother was Cherokee, Native American that makes me a legal born American
So if I rob a bank, myself and the bank owner are the same?
My great grandmother Cherokee Native American makes me a legal born American
oh yes I am I don’t steal some ones job nor do I get a free ride free food and free education on the tax payers