Yes, Barack actually said that at a town hall in DesMoines. He inferred there is no line between citizens, illegal aliens and legal immigrants.
According to the President, only Native Americans are truly from the United States, which makes little sense since they did not create the nation…or as Barack likes to say, “You didn’t build that.”
To explore your new lack of citizenship in comparison to the Syrian refugees Obama seeks to import, check the next page:
Not friend of America hes an enemy of America ..
You are an illegal alien fraud obummer.
Im 3rd generation Navy I would think I would rank just a little above someone who is here illegally
O so Obama the worst president of any nation says so so it is, huh?
Buck Ofama!!
Obama is a lying black SOB! It’s past time for his impeachment!
I don’t believe that you Obama is here legally and you should be deported back to Kenya.
Like you . Your a commie traitor, moslum illigal ads with no intentions to protect America
Trump IS the ONLY CANDIDATE that can bring our country back from the destructive forces that it faces! He is the ONLY CANDIDATE that can NOT be bought by liberals, big biz, lobbyists and government! THE ONLY ONE! The rest of the wanna be’s will sell their souls for a buck or two and they all know it! That’s why they continuously attack Trump and he STILL eats their lunches!
As a red-bloodied AMERICAN, I want MY country back for my family and all other families in AMERICA! Trump is for our CONSTITUTION, guns, all inalienable rights that we have, removal of ALL illegals, a huge reduction in federal government size and control, reductions in taxes, building of a wall to keep out illegals, etc.!
Trump embodies ALL the characteristics of the WINNER that true Americans want to win! The Bilderburg group and all others in the one percent One World Order will see their chances for establishing their New World Order stymied and set back 20 years by Trump! TRUMP must be given the go-ahead by all AMERICANS to become our next president! Otherwise, you can kiss our “FREE” country good-bye and settle for your new fate of enslavement by the New World Order! That’s their plans and right now we are and will CONTINUE to be under attack from the f**e president in our White House and all of his complicit DO-NOTHING Communist CRONIES in our Congress!
And idiocy strikes again.