It’s not just a theory that circulates in various circles on the Internet. There is a desire on the part of national governments to eliminate cash, or at least reduce the amount in circulation. Currencies have a characteristic that runs counter to the desires of government: anonymity. We you buy something at a store or from a neighbor and pay in cash, there’s no record to trace that transaction unless there is some document completed and filed.
Countries will give all sorts of reasons for abolishing cash, and many make sense, at least on the surface. Cash can be lost or stolen. It can be used to facilitate illegal transactions such as the sale of drugs. It also enables the “underground” economy to function whereby people exchange their labor for cash payments that are never reported, and hence not subject to income tax. People can run businesses on a “cash-only” basis and accomplish the same thing. It is argued that this underground economy unfairly shifts the burden for paying taxes to law-abiding citizens and rewards the so-called tax-cheaters.
Would the US government intervene in another nation’s financial affairs to promote the abolition of cash? See page two.
Every idea he has ever had goes back to destroying America !
↖️Click picture to follow me, if you’re confused with all the f**e news! I support Trump. I have many statuses I wrote that makes me furious to think what’s happening here in the U.S. Look@my page to learn the truth+my truth
He wants to do away with cash. Is that why he paid Iran in gold (cash) ,so there would be no record. Since no one really knows all the monies the Clinton’s received from foreign countries, did they get cash.? Corruption abounds. But they want to know everything we do. How many phones, TV’S, cars, buy and sell a house, whatever you do, they want a piece of the action.
Put you phone and pen away and get out!!!!
End time$#%&!@*you lemmings…
Kinsman is just the puppet. His master is Soros. He wants to rule the world. He thinks he can fulfill$#%&!@*s dream of a new world order by having everyone dependant on the ruling power.
Hang OBAMA for treason
Mark doesnt take place til mid tribulation when peace treaty is broken…antichrist demands allegiance to him..people will know exactly whst they are doing when make that choice