Barack Obama’s last month in office appears to be a busy one — and not in a good way.
After Donald Trump’s victory on November 8th, Obama seemed to fade into the background. While Trump was dominating headlines and announcing big deals with foreign and domestic companies, Obama was rarely seen or heard. For a moment, it looked as if it was going to be a smooth transition.
But then Barack Obama decided not to play nice. As the holiday season began to ramp up — and people started turning off the news — the Obama administration began forcing through a series of midnight regulations and international resolutions. The most controversial resolution passed last week, as Obama allowed an anti-Isreali measure through the United Nations despite singular veto power.
And he’s not done yet. Now, Palestinian officials are claiming that another controversial resolution might be on its way to the UN with Obama’s help.
Read about the proposed measure on the next page:
I have never hated anyone as much as I hate this douchebag
That’s telling him Jim!
Not much longer and this$#%&!@*Will be out of office
It should be a requirement for the president to prove they were born here without a reasonable doubt. There is to much evidence stacked up to put a this might be a reality tune into it. I believe he isn’t from our country but a usurper from another his policies and executive orders are all f**e I wonder when people are going to wake the fuq up and stop being mindless zombie puppets who believe anything they are told who never research anything pertinent to important subjects like this.
And fools still call Trump$#%&!@* Obama is the on condemning the jews!!
Call congress to stop him.
Obama and the Palestines know that Israel has the power to blow them off the map. So, why be stupid? The people of Israel are great inventors and are responsible for the chip in your smart phone! But the people of Palestine are just stupid Muslims who haven’t contributed anything to the world, but fighting and killing! None if them are inventors of anything but hate, fighting, raping and killing!
The Muslim is the WH is about the same. Guess it will be our God against their Allah and I’m sure our God will win.
If they would really want proof, then they would read upon Soros!
Obama’s boss! A$#%&!@*follower from the time he was 14 yrs old. And is fighting for a One World Order to turn every country into a$#%&!@*type government! Talk about stupid, when it’s right in front of them. But that what’s the One World Order is banking on! The stupid people who will be the first ones to die! Too bad Real History is not taught in our schools today. Our whole system has been infiltrated with Socialists Liberals and the ones who follow them like little sheep will be going over the cliffs to their doom. Thank God and the Citizens for realizing just close we came to losing our Nation and our way of life in the USA.
He does any and every thing to cause decention!!!
If you look at all Obama does it goes against the American people every time