Obama thinks women are “at least” as strong as men — proving that liberalism truly is a stand-in for logic.
A year ago, Defense Secretary Ash Carter issued a mandate that allowed women into ground combat roles previously only occupied by men. But these roles were generally physically intense, and women have struggled to pass the tests necessary to fill the positions.
The reason is simple. Women generally aren’t as strong as men. This fact is pretty clear to most of the world, but not to Barack Obama. Despite evidence — and common knowledge — the president doesn’t seem to accept that men have a natural advantage when it comes to strength. He would rather cling to the liberal ideal that all people are exactly equal than admit that men and women are inherently different.
And he takes it one step further. He thinks women might actually be the stronger sex, or at least alludes to it — because the left has no trouble insulting men.
Watch Obama suggest that men are actually weaker than women on the next page:
Definitely stronger than him.
Obama is a moron…..always has been and always will be….too much protein intake has f#^*+d up his brain….if you know what i mean.
military isn’t where the Lord put females
Anyone of them is stronger than that Muslim!
He has no clue………he was never “military’ therefore he doesn’t really care about the military and that is very evident…….13 days and counting!!!
Sure…I don’t think very many will make the cut for infantry, maybe I’m wrong. There are many other combat jobs that women can do and excel at…just not frontline infantry.
Just as strong as a man…except when opening a jar.
There are many ways to fight a war, woman in a combat situation in alot of ways are equal to men, strength being the exception. Doesn’t take alot of strength to pull the trigger.
He says that because his own “wife” is a former linebacker and wa-a-y stronger than he is! Women “at least” as strong as men? BS! On average men are stronger and that is a biological FACT. But hey, Obama goes by whimsy and his own “perceptions”, remember? So if someone “perceives” themselves to be stronger or “perceives” themselves to be black or “perceives” themselves to be the opposite sex them Obama the Whimsical Pervert-in-Chief is cool with that.