Obama thinks women are “at least” as strong as men — proving that liberalism truly is a stand-in for logic.
A year ago, Defense Secretary Ash Carter issued a mandate that allowed women into ground combat roles previously only occupied by men. But these roles were generally physically intense, and women have struggled to pass the tests necessary to fill the positions.
The reason is simple. Women generally aren’t as strong as men. This fact is pretty clear to most of the world, but not to Barack Obama. Despite evidence — and common knowledge — the president doesn’t seem to accept that men have a natural advantage when it comes to strength. He would rather cling to the liberal ideal that all people are exactly equal than admit that men and women are inherently different.
And he takes it one step further. He thinks women might actually be the stronger sex, or at least alludes to it — because the left has no trouble insulting men.
Watch Obama suggest that men are actually weaker than women on the next page:
Idiot has no idea what the natural order of life is.
Women’s bodies are not made the same as men’s bodies. Lifting too much weight can put a woman’s body in jeapordy at being successfull at carrying a child later. When you factor in the risks associated with equally doing the same type of lifting jobs no, physically a woman and a man are not the same.
The man is nuts.
how the hell would he know…he doesnt even know what sex he is????
Not so. Even men vary in strength from man to man of the same size.
I’m sure they are stronger than him without a doubt.
He’s confused but after all he’s married to a man in women’s clothing
That’s not what people are writing…all they are saying is that women aren’t as physically strong as men are…which puts them at greater risk when faced with hand-to-hand combat, not to mention being able to carry a 70lb ruck sack or an injured comrade…that doesn’t mean women shouldn’t be in the military, just not frontline soldiers…of course there will ways be exceptions…if there are women who can physically cut the mustard then they should be allowed to fight…but they would be the exception, not the norm.
This statement is so wrong. Does the man know anything about the physical differences between a man and a woman?
Men were built with superior size snd strength. But a female soldier with tiny hands and delicate fingers can work wonders with the inner workings of modern equipment that a male soldier’s bear paws can’t reach and / or might break, a place for everyone