Obama thinks women are “at least” as strong as men — proving that liberalism truly is a stand-in for logic.
A year ago, Defense Secretary Ash Carter issued a mandate that allowed women into ground combat roles previously only occupied by men. But these roles were generally physically intense, and women have struggled to pass the tests necessary to fill the positions.
The reason is simple. Women generally aren’t as strong as men. This fact is pretty clear to most of the world, but not to Barack Obama. Despite evidence — and common knowledge — the president doesn’t seem to accept that men have a natural advantage when it comes to strength. He would rather cling to the liberal ideal that all people are exactly equal than admit that men and women are inherently different.
And he takes it one step further. He thinks women might actually be the stronger sex, or at least alludes to it — because the left has no trouble insulting men.
Watch Obama suggest that men are actually weaker than women on the next page:
Must be why they have been lowering the standards so the women can meet them…..right?
Obama is an idiot at every level.
Women have little upper body strength. That’s why they can do few if “any” pull ups. When I was in the Army….we had to do 10 pullups. Most women cannot do 1. Obama is full of biased b******t!
Is that Leather Jacket a “Heroic Prop”?
He is goofier than a wild goose. He can speak for himself. Little weak guy. No doubt there are a few strong, well-trained women who could throw him over their shoulder and leave him flat of his back behind them. But carrying a seriously injured fellow soldier while trying to keep them as comfortable as possible is not for the majority of women. No way!
Don’t mind them in the military but don’t try this bs about them being as strong
Bill Simpson he,not she.
..as strong as HIM!!
Not true.
I think there are SOME women that can do the job, but they are GENERALLY not as strong as men.