Executive ego-freakin-manic Obama said on 60 Minutes that he could win the Presidency again if he could run for a third term. Some would say he is just confident, but most recognize his arrogant demeanor at every turn.
Based on his boastful statement that he would get things done with his pen and the phone, it makes one nervous wondering if he would attempt to create an executive action loophole which would allow him to prove his boastful point that he could win the Presidency again.
Read more on page 2 about Obama’s conceit.
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Milla Gryka needs to be hospitalized. Hopeless uneducated worthless Obama lover. Go back to your origin country
You are fking crazy just like all dems
I want Trump to bring in all new outsiders
No kill
Everyone says its to late. B******t. And im sick of him on all the tv shows, and Hollywood embracing him.
U r mentally ill, ya damn illegal alien, a citizen of Indonesia since u were 6 yrs old!
Kathryn Vestal time will tell…and we are democratic and it works for us..cheers.
No more so than your average narcissistic, deluded, egotistical, Megalomaniac.
Arrogant , Dilusional, Narrcistic JERK!
Ted Cruz is the ONLY man that can save America !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!