During the meeting, Obama states that he will never engage in divisive politics:
“I know that one of the important principles for me has always been treating everybody fairly,” states Obama. “So whether that’s women or people of different races or different religious faiths or different sexual orientations, that one of my core principles is that I will never engage in a politics in which I’m trying to divide people or make them less than me because they look different or have a different religion. That’s a core principle. That’s not something I would violate, right?”
He and Pelosi and the entire White House staff should be forced to leave this country with their own money and never able to return! Israel is and always has been our friend. But obummer has insulted them so many times and their military is one of the best in the World! I cant wait till hes gone! Or he dies of a broken neck jogging like a limp wristed lil girl down steps! Has no one else noticed that! Maybe someone will forget to double knot his shoestrings and that will do the trick!
Ovomit needs to get his head out of his ass
He believes his own lies.I don’t trust a single thing he says.God save us from this evil man!